Mark Loveless, aka Simple Nomad, is a researcher and hacker. He frequently speaks at security conferences around the globe, gets quoted in the press, and has a somewhat odd perspective on security in general.

A New Year

A New Year


There were a lot of reasons why 2018 was not a great year for me. This is not a time for me to complain though. One thing major lifestyle changes bring on is introspection, and holidays have given me time to think and reflect. I could complain and blame others for whatever woes I am experiencing, but then the opportunity for me to change is in the hands of those I blame. If I accept that I am ultimately responsible for what has come to me, then I have the power to change whatever is needed to make things better.

One of the topics I’ve been thinking about is what I want to do. I have my Enigma 2019 talk at the end of January which is all about physical OPSEC. I want to cover more of what a hacker packs in his laptop bag via a bag dump. I hate most reviews involving travel where they talk about “travel hacks” as that is a somewhat horrid term, but I want to do my own take on the topic. I don’t think it is a “hack” to do something in a smarter or more logical way, and as I’ve experienced some rather odd things in my life - with some of them happening while traveling - I plan to pass on security tips instead of lame “hacks”.

While I do have a somewhat limited budget, I have purchased a few things to allow me to do some of my own research. I want to explain some technical things, I want to do some more videos that are fun but security-related.

My new year began on the evening of the winter solstice - let’s hope 2019 becomes one of my better years, and I hope it is a good year for you as well.

Tales from the Past - Bizarre Help Desk Request

Tales from the Past - Bizarre Help Desk Request

2019 Predictions for Geeks

2019 Predictions for Geeks