Mark Loveless, aka Simple Nomad, is a researcher and hacker. He frequently speaks at security conferences around the globe, gets quoted in the press, and has a somewhat odd perspective on security in general.

Surprisingly Busy Week

Surprisingly Busy Week

Photo by Karen Lau on Unsplash

Photo by Karen Lau on Unsplash

A quick update since things are a bit light on content this week. It's not like I've been taking it easy, its actually been a fairly busy week with more meetings than I had anticipated, and a couple of research projects have kept me busy.

Next week is Enigma 2019, I am speaking on Wednesday. I have my slides done, just minor tweaks right now, mainly images. Really looking forward to it! If you are going to be at Enigma, ping me via social media or email and maybe we can get together and chat. Assuming that between the TSA, slow/no approvals of expired pilots licenses, and air traffic controllers being affected by the government shutdown, I should arrive Sunday evening. If things are looking ugly, I may end up driving out there. I hope not.

Most of the week things have been ever so cold here in Texas, but on occasion it was halfway warm. I took advantage of this and worked on one of my two big Yule gifts. I got a Porter Cable 5-speed drill press from my son and daughter-in-law - follow them on Instagram as they are living life on the road. Getting ready for #vanlife they built out the new van in my garage borrowing some of my tools, and they left a lot of scraps of wood. So it made sense that I should build a drill press stand out of those scraps, and even use the leftover stain and paint to make it look nice.


So that’s my update - in theory things will begin to return to normal after next week, and I plan to document and get inspired by the other Enigma talks and attendees for plenty of fun content.

The End of the Landline

The End of the Landline

Lemonade from Lemons: Dealing with Windows 10

Lemonade from Lemons: Dealing with Windows 10